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It’s been said that the one nonnegotiable to becoming more like Jesus is that you must be with Jesus. But…how are 21st century disciples supposed to actually be with Jesus? That’s what our new series Becoming is all about. Each week, we’ll step into stories and principles from the Bible to discover the practices that disciples have been utilizing to be with Jesus for 2000 years so we can creatively engage with them in our own lives to become like him today.


“Two Places At Once”

When you're training for a job, you're usually paired with a leader who knows the job inside and out. The process may involve reading some manuals and watching training videos, but the most valuable part of the training process is being with...

“What God Thinks About You”

Maybe it's your favorite professor in college who has asked you to be her TA. Perhaps it's a graphic designer you follow on Instagram who is gladly giving you feedback on your work. It could be a mom in your community, a coach you play under...

“God Whispers”

When you sit down to watch the movie you've been excited to see, you're not going to watch it while at a parade for many reasons - for one thing, you won't be able to hear the dialogue. If you need to have an important, vulnerable conversation...

“Bring Your Bothers”

If your car breaks down you have to take it to your mechanic. If your computer isn't working properly you have to reach out to your IT department. If your coworker's negligence is undermining the project you have to go to your boss. When this...

“Putting Money in Its Place”

You've seen them. You've made the observation. You've made the jokes. Medication commercials that highlight their ability to address one problem spend a comedic amount of time warning of the laundry list of problems they may cause. The Bible...

“A Rhythm Of Rest”

It's the holiday season. Your schedule is jammed. You're busy with shopping for food to make and take to parties. Then there's the stress of actually going to the party. You're buying thinking about what presents to get for whom. Then there's the...

“Serving In Love”

You do it for strangers. Strangers certainly do it for you. Family, friends, acquaintances, at restaurants, online, in traffic, at the park - everyone is doing it everywhere. What is this widespread activity permeating every area of life? Serving...

“The Battle Is Won At The Place Of Prayer”

Problems are unavoidable in our world. Stress is unavoidable in our world. Trials are unavoidable in our world. The temptation to lose ourselves in the problems, stresses and trials pervades our world. But what if there's a way to overcome them...

“Directing Your Delights”

If you love Disney, you're going to orient your spending around saving for a trip to Disney World. If you love skiing or snowboarding, you're going to orient your schedule around time on the slopes. Whatever you love, you're going to orient every...

“Hiding or Healing?”

Your doctor requires it. Your waiter expects it. Your girlfriend demands it. Vulnerability. Your doctor can't give you the medicine to ease your pain if you won't admit you're sick. Your waiter can't bring you the food to satisfy and silence...

Past Message Series

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