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Capital partners with Healing Nations to reach the communities of San Lucas, Membrillal and Zapote. Teams go annually deepening relationships with Iglesia Galilea, our field partners, the local pastors and people we love and serve. Each trip has a unique focus offering support, education, and encouragement. Our purpose is to come alongside our Guatemalan brothers and sisters to offer support in the work they are already doing for their people.


Guatemala experienced a brutal civil war from 1960 to 1996 yet the country hasn’t recovered. State and military forces destroyed nearly 700 villages, sent death squads, and displaced nearly a million people in Guatemala. The majority of people killed were of Mayan descent. This legacy of inhumanity is a major contributor to the continued murder, violence against women, and other crimes throughout the country.

In many regions of Guatemala, work is hard to find especially in smaller towns and villages. The main industries are coffee, garment factories, agriculture, and construction. Minimum daily wages are extremely low. The communities reached by Capital’s team remain some of the poorest, with unemployment rates up to 75%. Approximately 49 percent of the children are chronically malnourished. This is the fourth highest rate in the world.


Many families cook indoors over open flames. This causes homes to be filled with smoke and creates a variety of health issues. Over the last five years, our Capital teams constructed new homes and built brick stoves ventilated to the outside. We helped build a brand new school and church in Membrillal, and hosted a first-ever Women’s Conference. Our teams are now host annual community festivals in San Lucas and Membrillal to bring people of all ages to worship, play, and learn about what God is doing!


Help Through Giving

Consider designating offerings to Guatemala mission projects. All money to benefit Guatemalan people in the communities of San Lucas, Membrillal, Zapote, and our Iglesia Galilea partners. (Be sure to select “Guatemala Projects” in the ‘TO:” field). 

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