“His Love is on Every Page“
Speaker: Paul Godbout
Series: Other Messages
Primary text: Leviticus 14:1-7 & Mark 1:40-45
Speaker: Paul Godbout
Series: Other Messages
Primary text: Leviticus 14:1-7 & Mark 1:40-45
The more you see His love on every page, the more you'll see His love every day.
At first glance, there are some strange stories in the Bible! Leviticus is one such book that sounds strange and foreign when you first read it. Without understanding its full meaning, reading Leviticus could perpetuate the false narrative that the God of the Old Testament was always angry and hung up on legalistic rituals and laws—or the false narrative that you and I are too unholy to experience God’s love. But a deeper reading of Leviticus, in the full context of the entire story of the Bible, you’ll discover that God’s love is revealed on every page. On every page of the Bible, God says “I’ve made a way for you to be brought from death to life.” And the more you’re able to see his love on every page of the Bible, the more you’ll see his love in your every day.
Other texts in this message: Exodus 40:34-35, Numbers 1:1, 1 Corinthians 11:23-26
Look for his love in the pages of your life
Look for his love in the pages of Scripture
Don’t be afraid of Leviticus
Verse for the Week: Psalm 119:18
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Worship Songs
Glorious Day
Jason Ingram / Jonathan Smith / Kristian Stanfill / Sean Curran
Goodness of God
Jason Ingram / Brian Johnson / Ed Cash / Ben Fielding / Jenn Johnson
Reckless Love
Ran Jackson / Cory Asbury / Caleb Culver
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Reckless Love, Goodness of God, Glorious Day, Exodus 40:34-35, Numbers 1:1, 1 Corinthians 11:23-26, Leviticus 14:1-7 & Mark 1:40-45, The more you see His love on every page, the more you’ll see His love every day. Paul Godbout, His Love is on Every Page, Other Messages
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