“Our Daily Bread“
Speaker: Troy Champ
Series: Inside Out
Primary text: Matthew 6:11
Speaker: Troy Champ
Series: Inside Out
Primary text: Matthew 6:11

God will give you everything you need to do everything he wants you to do.
Are you haunted by a fear of not having what you need when you need it? Do you fear not having enough time, money, wisdom, or talent? Is your fear of not having enough robbing you of your joy? Now imagine being free of fear. Imagine facing financial pressure without panic. Imagine facing failure without sinking into despondency. Imagine approaching your problems with confidence, courage, and faith.
The portion of The Lord’s Prayer we study this week says something about faith, but it also has something to say about fear and anxiety.
“Give us today our daily bread”
After reading the earlier verses, steeped in rich theology, this simple petition may seem out of place. But as we dig a little deeper we see Jesus is calling us not only to pray for our daily meals, but for all our needs. We learn to trust God will give you everything you need to do everything He wants you to do.
Other texts in this message: Matthew 6:9-10, Psalm 23:1-6, Mark 6:34
Prayer: “Be my Shepherd…”
Book Recommendations:
Life Without Lack by Dallas Willard.
This book encourages readers to pause for a moment and ask yourself what your life would be like if it were completely without fear. How would you live in a life without fear?
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Worship Songs
Jesse Reeves and Laura Story
Over All I Know
Andy Rozier, Jason Ingram and Jess Cates
I Stand In Awe
Mark Altrogge
This I Believe (The Creed)
Matt Crocker and Ben Fielding
Troy Champ, Matthew, Psalm 23, Inside Out, God will give you everything you need to do everything he wants you to do., Matthew 6:9-10, Psalm 23:1-6, Mark 6:34, Matthew 6:11
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