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Speaker: Troy Champ

Series: The Cycle Of Grace

Primary text: Matthew 5:14

Speaker: Troy Champ
Series: The Cycle Of Grace
Primary text: Matthew 5:14

You're Blessed To Be A Blessing.

Mechanics have the gift of being able to repair broken systems and restore the ability of beautiful machines to do what they were designed to do.

Musicians have the gift of fusing lyrics and melodies in such a way that their songs bring people together and remind them: you are not alone!

Baristas have the gift of crafting delicious drinks that not only can give people energy, but that remind us that joy can be found in the simplicity of the everyday.

What each of these people have in common is that the most satisfying use of their abilities comes when their gifts are used to bring wholeness, healing, and joy to others.

In the next part of our Cycle of Grace series, we look at a truth that runs throughout the Bible: God always intends for our gifts – whether our temperaments, talents, or resources – to be used to bless others.

Other texts in this message: Philippians 2:14-16, 1 Peter 2:9, Genesis 12:2-3, Matthew 5:13-16


Know your value.

You be you.

“…an unrepeatable uniqueness…” –Herbert Alphonso

“Becoming a Christ-follower doesn’t mean greater conformity; instead, it means greater eccentricity.” –Trevor Hudson

Find your purpose.

The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren

Ask God to show you how to be a blessing today.

Experiencing God

Pray that you’ll become the best person God can make you.

But don’t wait for God to fix you before you let him use you.

“Shining Star” by Stryper

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Worship Songs

I Thank God
Aaron Moses / Chuck Butler / Dante Bowe / Jesse Cline / Maryanne George

Rest On Us
Antoine Brown / Brandon Lake / Elyssa Smith / Harvest Parker / Jonathan Jay / Rebekah Erin White

Holy Spirit
Bryan Torwalt / Katie Torwalt

Here Again
Christopher Joel Brown

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Mechanics have the gift of being able to repair broken systems and restore the ability of beautiful machines to do what they were designed to do.

Musicians have the gift of fusing lyrics and melodies in such a way that their songs bring people together and remind them: you are not alone!

Baristas have the gift of crafting delicious drinks that not only can give people energy, but that remind us that joy can be found in the simplicity of the everyday.

What each of these people have in common is that the most satisfying use of their abilities comes when their gifts are used to bring wholeness, healing, and joy to others.

In the next part of our Cycle of Grace series, we look at a truth that runs throughout the Bible: God always intends for our gifts – whether our temperaments, talents, or resources – to be used to bless others.

I Thank God

Rest On Us

Holy Spirit

Here Again

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