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“The King's Speech“

Speaker: Troy Champ

Series: God and the Movies

Primary text: Joshua 1:9

Speaker: Troy Champ
Series: God and the Movies
Primary text: Joshua 1:9

You're not alone.

No matter what you face, or what the data shows, no matter what your circumstances are, no matter how dark the day, or what life throws at you, YOU ARE NOT ALONE! God is with you!

Other texts in this message: Exodus 3:1-15, Exodus 4:1, 10-13, 1 Samueal 3:19, Jeremiah 1:5-8, Judges 6:12-16, Hebrews 13:5-6


Take a listen to “You’re Not Alone” by Meredith Andrews and spend some time in Joshua 1:9.

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Due to copyright rectricitons from the movies we use in this series, messages from the God and the Movies series are not broadcast or archived for viewing. Audio formats, including our weekly podcast, are also unavailable for this series. We apologize for any inconvenience. Thank you for journeying with us!


Exodus 3:1-15, Exodus 4:1, 10-13, 1 Samuel 3:19, Jeremiah 1:5-8, Judges 6:12-16, Hebrews 13:5-6, Troy Champ, God and the Movies, Kings Speech

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