“An Audience of One“
Speaker: Troy Champ
Series: Inside Out
Primary text: Matthew 6:5
Speaker: Troy Champ
Series: Inside Out
Primary text: Matthew 6:5

Keep your good deeds to yourself.
Our culture teaches us to become experts in the art of perception management. We obsess over optics. How we look and what people think of us often matters too much. So, how do we learn to recognize and root out the need for perception management, recognition, and approval? When we are tempted to do good to look good, Jesus offers this advice: Keep your good deeds to yourself.
The principal is about motives. If in your efforts to please God, you impress people that’s not a problem. It’s only a problem if that’s your agenda.
Other texts in this message: Matthew 23:5, Matthew 6:1-18, Jeremiah 23:24, Luke 6:27-28
Practice Confession: I am a perception manager
Practice Prayer: Free me from the desperate need for acknowledgement
Practice Secrecy: Do something good for someone secretly
Book Recommendation:
So Long Insecurity by Beth Moore. This book will help you say so long to insecurity and embrace all the great traits and characteristics that make you unique and wonderful.
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Worship Songs
Solid Rock
Edward Mote and William Bradbury
Matt Crocker, Joel Houston and Salomon Ligthelm
Do It Again
Steven Furtick, Matt Redman, Chris Brown and Mack Brock
Troy Champ, Inside Out, Matthew 5:6, Matthew 23:5, Matthew 6:1-18, Jeremiah 23:24, Luke 6:27-28, Keep Our Good Deeds to Ourselves
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