“Contempt Kills“
Speaker: Troy Champ
Series: Inside Out
Primary text: Matthew 5:21-24
Speaker: Troy Champ
Series: Inside Out
Primary text: Matthew 5:21-24

Vitriol may tear my soul, but reconciliation is worship.
Matthew 5:21 “You’ve heard it said, ‘you shall not murder, and anyone who murders will be subject to judgment.’ But I say to you that anyone who is angry with a brother or sister will be subject to judgment.” You may have heard the saying, ‘sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.’ But I say to you, vitriol may tear my soul, but reconciliation is worship. You might not sing this as a rhyme to your kids, but how many of us would do well to check our anger, reduce our criticism and contempt, and instead be kind, and compassionate, gracing one another.
Other texts in this message: Exodus 20:13, Genesis 9:6, James 1:19-20, Proverbs 16:32, Proverbs 25:28, Proverbs 29:11, Proverbs 14:17 & 29, Ephesians 4:31-32, Luke 23:34
Use the YouVersion App or visit www.biblegateway.com and search for the word “anger”. Spend some time praying over any verses that jump out at you. To try this from another angle, you can search for the word “patience”.
Book Recommendation:
Anger: Taming a Powerful Emotion by Gary Chapman
Verse for the Week: Ephesians 4:31-32
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Exodus 20:13, Genesis 9:6, James 1:19-20, Proverbs 16:32, Proverbs 25:28, Proverbs 29:11, Proverbs 14:17 & 29, Ephesians 4:31-32, Luke 23:34, Matthew 5:21-24, Troy Champ, Contempt Kills, Vitriol may tear my soul but reconciliation is worship, Inside Out
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