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“Personal Damage Control“

Speaker: Wayne Kraiss

Series: Inside Out

Primary text: Matthew 5:27-30

Speaker: Wayne Kraiss
Series: Inside Out
Primary text: Matthew 5:27-30

Personal damage control.

A few potential titles for this weekend’s sermon could be: “Did I hear God Say, Oops?”, “Sex, Sex, and More Sex”, or maybe “Living Morally In an Immoral World”. Instead, we ended up with “Personal Damage Control”. In Matthew 5:27-30, Jesus teaches on adultery and lust. Although social norms tell us differently, Jesus calls us to take temptation in our lives seriously. One of the most common mistakes we make with morality is making it a social issue and not a Biblical issue. Social norms are flexible and often reflect what we think the majority of people expect and tolerate. Social norms do not provide a compass pointing to right vs wrong. They are more of a weather vane pointing to which direction the prevailing wind is blowing. However, Scripture calls us to see the contrast between the wide gate and the narrow gate. Christ calls us to a counter-culture. Living that out in reality? That’s a challenge! But thankfully, there’s also grace.

Other texts in this message: Romans 12:2, Ephesians 5:31, Genesis 2:23-25, 1 Corinthians 6:16-19, Luke 7:47


Open a conversation or prayer with God. Remember that He is gracious and extends forgiveness. He is there in the areas where we encounter temptation and offers us freedom.

Verse for the Week: Matthew 5:27-30

Worship Songs

Jonathan Berlin, Lindsey Sweat, and Ben Williams

Your Name
Paul Baloche and Glen Packiam

What a Friend We Have In Jesus
Charles Crozat Converse and Joseph Medlicott Scriven

Jesus At the Center
Israel Houghton, Micah Massey, and Adam Ranney


Wayne Kraiss, Romans 12:2, Ephesians 5:31, Genesis 2:23-25, 1 Corinthians 6:16-19, Luke 7:47, Matthew 5:27-30, Personal Damage Control

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