Chasing Wisdom
Life is a journey, and the choices we make largely determine our direction. Wisdom enables us to navigate through life, making good decisions at every turn. This fall, we’ll examine the book of Proverbs and look to the wisdom of God to direct the path of our lives.
Chasing Wisdom
What if you could find a different way to live? What if you could learn to do the right thing at the right time and in the right way? What if you learned to keep your lips closed and listen? How different would your life look? The book . . .
September 13, 2020
Chasing Wisdom
Fear of the Lord is absolutely central to understanding the book of Proverbs—it is the source of all wisdom, impacts how we respond to God’s teaching, and helps us process suffering. It brings us comfort in the face of grief or anguish we can’t ...
September 20, 2020
The Gospel of John & Chasing Wisdom
As disciples of Jesus, we’ve got to prepare ourselves for the inevitable unanswered questions—and we can’t assume the questions we’re left asking will be easy to sit with. If we’re going to follow Jesus with any hope of peace, we need to . . .
September 28, 2020
Chasing Wisdom
You’ve probably heard the common axioms, “we work to live” or “we live to work”. Looking into what the Proverbs has to say about work, we can see that both of these philosophies are false. Work is not merely a means to live—it’s a way for you to...
October 5, 2020
Chasing Wisdom
Many of us live in a seemingly constant state of comparison and evaluation of ourselves and our efforts. Is my photo good enough for Instagram? Are my thoughts good enough to speak up in my Small Group? Am I good enough for her to go out with ....
October 11, 2020
Chasing Wisdom
As you read the Proverbs, you’ll find that one of its most important topics is the subject of friendship. Wise people forge & foster deep spiritual friendship. Friendship—even at its best—is never perfect. Friends disappoint us, exasperate us, and...
October 18, 2020
Chasing Wisdom
Do you ever feel pummeled on all sides? Like you’re being crushed by the cumulative effect of multiple minor crises? What do you do when you’re feeling this way? In 1 Samuel 30, when David finds himself in his own time of crisis, he found ...
October 25, 2020
Chasing Wisdom
The Proverbs talk a lot about conflict. The greedy stir up conflict, angry people stir up conflict, hatred stirs up conflict, a perverse person stirs up conflict. As Christians, we’re called to the opposite—instead of stirring up conflict, what if...
November 2, 2020
Chasing Wisdom
Proverbs 6 gives us an non-exhaustive list of a few things God despises—haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a wicked heart, evil feet, and a false witness. The list makes clear that God cares about what we do with our ...
November 9, 2020
Chasing Wisdom
When we say “our world needs great leaders,” we often aren’t thinking small enough. Most of our lives are shaped most significantly by the leaders right around us—parents, pastors, managers; teachers and principals; friends and mentors who speak ...
November 15, 2020
Chasing Wisdom
Money may make the world go round, but the love of money sure does create a lot of problems. The Proverbs are rich with teachings on money—how to earn it, how to spend it, how to save it, how to give it away. Above all, the Proverbs advise that we...
November 29, 2020
Chasing Wisdom
God’s desire is for all of humanity—and for you—to have a personal relationship with Him. And like the stars for the magi at the birth of Jesus, God sends signals in personal ways to point you to Jesus. Don’t short-change yourself by dismissing ...
December 7, 2020
Chasing Wisdom
Your whole life is one waiting period after another: Will you get into your first-choice school? Will you get that promotion? Will she marry you? Will the loan get approved? Will the cancer take him from you sooner rather than later? Like it or ...
December 14, 2020
Past Message Series

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You can find older messages published before November 2016 on our old iTunes podcast feed.