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The Life & Lyrics of David


The Life and Lyrics of David

Eugene Peterson said, “Story is the primary way in which the revelation of God is given to us.” That’s because, to quote Peterson again, “Story isn’t imposed on our lives; it invites us into its life.” The longest story in the Bible chronicles the life of David. Weaving his songs into his story, this series invites us into the life of David in order to better understand the nature and character of David’s God.

The Life & Lyrics Of David

“Your Insides”

We've all made the same complaint: the bag of tortilla chips itself is so big, yet the amount of actual chips inside is disappointing. Speaking of disappointing, there are few sadder moments than being in the mood for guacamole, but when you cut...
The Life & Lyrics Of David

“Out Of Your Hands”

You're hungry. Not just hungry. Hungry for your favorite dish at your favorite restaurant. You've got time in your day, money in your account, and now, keys in your hand. There's no traffic, every light is green, and there's a spot right by the...
The Life & Lyrics Of David

“Don’t Trust Your Best”

Maybe in high school a lot of doors opened for you because you were handsome. Maybe in college a lot of doors opened for you because you were the best pitcher in softball. Maybe in the early days of your career a lot of doors opened for you...
The Life & Lyrics Of David

“Everybody Loves David”

In the 1980's and 90's, the TV series Lifestyles of the Rich & Famous took us inside opulent homes marked by a level of luxury most of us couldn't imagine in our wildest dreams. The 2000's exploded with reality shows, many of which centered on the...
The Life & Lyrics Of David

“Singing in the Cave”

When that infamous engine light illuminates our dashboard, we may cry, "Why can't this car just run like it's supposed to!" Or, we may have the attitude, "That's a bummer, but good thing I know a great mechanic." When we face unexpected trials...
The Life & Lyrics Of David

“Sin In The Sanctuary”

When that infamous engine light illuminates our dashboard, we may cry, "Why can't this car just run like it's supposed to!" Or, we may have the attitude, "That's a bummer, but good thing I know a great mechanic." When we face unexpected trials in...
The Life and Lyrics of David

“The Friendship Fight”

Getting the big promotion. Earning that spot on the team. Losing those last 10 lbs. None of these things just happen. We have to work - dare we say, sometimes fight - to attain our goal. This week in The Life and Lyrics of David, we see what David...
The Life and Lyrics of David

“Love Back”

Your co-worker lashes out. Your friend stops responding to texts. Your dentist couldn't be less gentle. Your parent couldn't be more critical. All of these hurt. But we have to choose: will our response come out of a heart filled with hurt or a...
The Life and Lyrics of David

“Love is Lopsided”

Research shows women and men both consider symmetrical faces beautiful and attractive. They prefer romantic partners with symmetrical faces, and they're more inclined to develop personal and professional friendships with those with symmetrical...
The Life and Lyrics of David

“Between A Rock & A Hard Place”

If you fail a test, you could chalk it up to the teacher not liking you. If your cake doesn’t turn out like the one in the recipe book, you could surmise the chef who wrote the recipe book has it out for you. If you get cut from the team because...
The Life & Lyrics Of David

“As We Wait”

If your child complains that the neighbor's bought their kid a car, you can remind them, "You're only nine years old." If your employee criticizes you because you still haven't launched their idea into the market place, you might tell them...
The Life & Lyrics Of David

“Someone God Guides”

If your child complains that the neighbor's bought their kid a car, you can remind them, "You're only nine years old." If your employee criticizes you because you still haven't launched their idea into the market place, you might tell them...
The Life & Lyrics Of David

“Prayers From The Pit”

Looking at old photos can unleash a tidal wave of details of what were, until that moment, forgotten memories. We remember why were in that location, who all went with us and who we met when we were there, the smells that surrounded us...
The Life & Lyrics Of David

“David And The Ark”

If you want to go into space, you have to go in a rocket. If you want to explore the depths of the ocean, you have to go in a submarine. There are places in life that, if we want to go, there is a specific way to get there. This week in The Life...
The Life & Lyrics Of David


If a restaurant offers to comp your meal for no apparent reason, you're going to let them, right? If the airline offers to upgrade you to first class just because they have an extra seat, you're going to take it, right? If your boss says to take...
The Life & Lyrics Of David

“Your Disgrace & God’s Grace”

They pass you the ball, you take the shot at the buzzer, and the ball bounces off the rim. The boss gives you the project, you develop and pitch the idea, and the client rejects the campaign. Family looks to you for guidance, you make the best...
The Life & Lyrics Of David

“Tamar & The God Who Sees Her”

They pass you the ball, you take the shot at the buzzer, and the ball bounces off the rim. The boss gives you the project, you develop and pitch the idea, and the client rejects the campaign. Family looks to you for guidance, you make the best...
The Life & Lyrics Of David

“Psalm 109 & The Cursing Psalms”

Sure, you can wrap your headlight in duct tape to keep it in place. You can absolutely use a few metal coat hangers to keep your muffler from falling off your car. No one’s going to pull you over for replacing your rear passenger-side window with...
The Life & Lyrics Of David

“Trust In God Is Contagious”

If you've got the flu, chickenpox, or COVID, you stay home. You keep to yourself for as long as necessary. The last thing you'd ever want to do is spread what you have. But what if you've got overwhelming joy? Or an unexplainable peace? What if...
The Life & Lyrics Of David

“The Suprisingly Talkative God”

What do babbling brooks and paintings have in common? When we stop and sit with them we find something strange: they talk to us. Brooks babble, and their babbling soothes our souls. Paintings speak to us and move our souls. This week in The Life...
The Life & Lyrics Of David

“The Story Of The Psalms”

If you want to run a marathon, you probably read a bunch of articles where others share their story of becoming long-distance runners. Chances are, you start filling more of your free time with videos and podcasts about running marathons...
The Life & Lyrics Of David

“Listening To Live”

If you’re trying to get on the freeway and you see a sign that says WRONG WAY, you’ve got to turn back immediately. If your labs come back saying your blood pressure is too high, you have to make changes to your daily habits right away. If your...
The Life & Lyrics Of David

“A Community In Unity”

Bricks. Glass. Wood. Concrete. Mortar. Drywall. Carpet. Metal. These things couldn’t be more different. But something incredible and beautiful is created when they’re unified: a house. This week in our series The Life and Lyrics of David...
The Life And Lyrics Of David

“Protect Me From Me”

If you're trying to cut down on sugar but you have a hard time turning down chocolate cake, you need a good friend to watch out for you at birthday parties. If you desire to be a peacemaker, but find it hard to keep your cool in political...
Past Message Series




The Cycle of Grace


Overflowing Hope


God and the Movies 2023


Get A Life






God and the Movies 2022


One Another


Once Upon A Time


Everything You Need


Meant for More


More Than You Know


Keep Singing


The Gospel of John


Chasing Wisdom




Radical Generosity


God and the Movies 2019


Nothing to Fear


God and the Movies 2018


Inside Out


The Good Life


God and the Christmas Movies


The Prayers of Paul


Closer Than You Think


God and the Movies 2017


James: The Way of Wisdom




God and the Movies 2016


Seven Churches of Revelation




Psalm 23


God and the Movies 2015


Other Messages
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You can find older messages published before November 2016 on our old iTunes podcast feed.
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