Other Messages
“At Capital, our mission is simple: To lead people to become Christ-centered disciples. We base our mission and vision on that which Jesus declared to be the Greatest Commandment, as found in the following scripture: Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these. Mark 12:30-31 Discipleship is key and movement is critical to any journey! We offer our community several ways to grow in their walk with God under three main principles: own, partner and invest.
Other Messages
At Capital, our mission is simple: To lead people to become Christ-centered disciples. We base our mission and vision on that which Jesus declared to be the Greatest Commandment, as found in the following scripture: Love the Lord your God with...
November 29, 2015
Other Messages
At Capital, our mission is simple: To lead people to become Christ-centered disciples. We base our mission and vision on that which Jesus declared to be the Greatest Commandment, as found in the following scripture: Love the Lord your God with all...
December 27, 2015
Other Messages
At Capital, our mission is simple: To lead people to become Christ-centered disciples. We base our mission and vision on that which Jesus declared to be the Greatest Commandment, as found in the following scripture: Love the Lord your God with all...
January 3, 2016
Other Messages
At Capital, our mission is simple: To lead people to become Christ-centered disciples. We base our mission and vision on that which Jesus declared to be the Greatest Commandment, as found in the following scripture: Love the Lord your God with all...
January 10, 2016
Other Messages
At Capital, our mission is simple: To lead people to become Christ-centered disciples. We base our mission and vision on that which Jesus declared to be the Greatest Commandment, as found in the following scripture: Love the Lord your God with all...
April 24, 2016
Other Messages
At Capital, our mission is simple: To lead people to become Christ-centered disciples. We base our mission and vision on that which Jesus declared to be the Greatest Commandment, as found in the following scripture: Love the Lord your God with all...
July 3, 2016
Other Messages
Take a moment to truly examine where you are in your spiritual life. Consider that God wants you to run the spiritual marathon, not just the sprint. What is it going to take for you to get there? What choices can you make that will get you one step c
July 24, 2016
Other Messages
What are you passionate about? Our passions predict our paths. Our delights determine our directions. How different would your life be if you delighted in God’s instruction? The path of a well-lived life begins here – Through God’s principles...
September 4, 2016
Other Messages
What if you resolved to do 2017 differently than 2016? What if you learned to carry life’s burden’s in a new way? What if you exchanged anxiety for peace, weariness for strength, and exhaustion for rest? We find out how to do this in the Gospel of...
January 1, 2017
Other Messages
If you see a need around you, meet it if you can. Follow the footsteps of Jesus. Serve with your life. Clearly, we have work to do! But it’s good work, it’s God’s work. Before the day is out, put these words into practice. It’s not what you get...
January 9, 2017
Other Messages
We don’t always have the benefit of the review mirror to look back and see how God has prompted our actions and paths. But, we can learn to listen for his voice and leading. May you develop an ear to hear the voice of the Spirit, and when you...
March 19, 2017
Other Messages
In the midst of what feels like drowning in the chaos or drama or crazy in your life, would you describe your faith as a faith smiling serenely? If you’re overwhelmed, and barely treading water, may you find the confidence to open your hands and...
May 14, 2017
Other Messages
What if you were known as a peacemaker? What if you were an instigator of peace? What if you ran to conflict regularly and squashed squabbles before they escalated? What if you were the one that helped bring peace to your friends or family?
May 28, 2017
Other Messages
We are inundated with bad news all week long. It’s hard to find joy and peace in the crazy of life. But for one hour a week, we get to hear good news! This week, Wayne Kraiss shared good news that we can lean on all week long, day after day.
July 23, 2017
Other Messages
Only God can take the ordinary and make it extraordinary! May you know, with greater awareness than yesterday, that God is at work in your life! And, even when it doesn’t seem like it, may you lean on the understanding, that His plans for your...
August 14, 2017
Other Messages
What would a healthy fear of the Lord look in your life? Would it mean offering up worship to the Lord even when you didn’t feel like it? Would it mean discovering or rediscovering your favorite verse in the Bible and pondering its direct...
December 31, 2017
Other Messages
We all face storms in life, whether financial, personal, health-related, or in relationships. We can’t control the types of storms we face, the duration, or when they occur, but we can control our response. What would it look like to respond...
January 7, 2018
Other Messages
Have you sent a prayer to heaven, and silently wondered if God really hears you? Have you given your life to Christ only to slowly take pieces of it back because you fear he shouldn’t be bothered or because you can manage some parts without him?
June 25, 2018
Taste and See
Did you know an olive tree can live to be thousands of years old? Olive trees are a symbol of peace not only in the bible, but throughout all our world. When Noah released a dove from the arc to discover if the waters had receded...
October 29, 2018
Taste and See
Do you believe you have all you need to succeed and thrive in this life? If your first thought was what you long for in your life and not a resounding yes, you may be one of the many people living in fear of scarcity. Do you worry you’ll never...
November 6, 2018
Taste and See
Are your expectations twisting your perspective of the world around you? Expectations are strong, rigid beliefs that something will happen in a particular way by a particular day and are often marked by assumption or presumption. We expect...
November 18, 2018
Other Messages
Are the bad parts of our world influencing you? Do ever feel like there’s a carousel of negative thoughts running through your mind, telling you you’re not good enough, you’re not smart enough, God doesn’t love you and there’s no hope because...
January 13, 2019
Other Messages
We yearn to experience life in all its fullness and become the best version of ourselves but many of us don’t know where to begin or we get lost and distracted along the way.
January 21, 2019
Other Messages
How are your New Year’s Resolutions coming along this year? Did you make big plans for your career, health, finances, or your relationships? These are all great things to do, but what are your plans for working on who you want to be?
January 28, 2019
Other Messages
Do you wish God would speak more often or more loudly into your life? We live in a world filled with noise. Maybe it’s the T.V. we turn on when we get home, the radio in the car, the earbuds we put in as soon as we get to the gym, that playlist of...
March 24, 2019
Other Messages
“Love one another, just as I have loved you.” These were some of the final words Jesus shared with us before he met his fate on the cross. Among the truths Christ shared in this world, many revolve around how we should treat each other. In fact...
April 28, 2019
Other Messages
Have you ever had a difficult time asking for or receiving a blessing? Perhaps you felt like it came at a time when you least deserved it. Maybe you hesitated to tell a friend, family member or even God what you really wanted because you...
May 5, 2019
Other Messages
Rest your soul. You’re not in control. Even for those of us that believe in the sovereignty and goodness of God, this can still be an unsettling idea. For the most part, we know much of life is out of our control. We often even rely on this truth...
May 12, 2019
Other Messsages
In today’s culture, we place a high value on being busy and working hard. To be sure, the bible calls us to glorify the Lord through our work by pouring our hearts into everything we do (Col. 3:23-24; 1 Corinth. 15:58). But too often...
May 19, 2019
Other Messages
In Matthew 6:25, Jesus provides us with a simple yet seemingly impossible instruction: “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life…” Yet most of us begin and end our days with worry. We worry we won’t have enough time, we won’t have enough...
June 16, 2019
Other Messages
Do you ever feel that God doesn’t hear your desperate cries? Worse yet, do you ever feel that he is intentionally ignoring you? Perhaps it feels as if you’ve been totally abandoned by God. When your pain has put God out of reach or your depression...
July 29, 2019
Other Messages
Reading scripture, you won’t find a detailed description of what the devil looks like, but you will find warnings of what the devil does. According to the bible, the devil is a spiritual entity whose mission is to thwart the mission of Jesus...
August 25, 2019
Other Messages
God loves you, and God wants to bless you. Even when this seems difficult to see, may you have the faith to receive. "The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward...
September 1, 2019
Other Messages
Do you ever feel that your life is not turning out the way that it was supposed to? Perhaps the version of your life that is panning out is not your first choice of how you’d like your life to be. In a way, we as Christians are all living in exile...
September 29, 2019
Other Messages
Psalm 133, one of the shortest psalms in the Psalter, offers one of the most important yet overlooked truths about life. It describes the beautiful luxury, extravagance, and abundance that can be found in spiritual community. If you experience...
October 29, 2019
Other Messages
In Romans 12, we are called to respond to the good news of the gospel by offering our whole selves as a living sacrifice. Because God gave everything, give God everything -- then keep giving it.
November 10, 2019
Other Messages
As we head into a new year, may you trust that God wants to do something new in you and through you in 2020. Pray bigger prayers and dream bigger dreams as you join God in what he's doing in the world because YOU are the new God wants to do.
December 29, 2019
Other Messages
What is the condition of your heart and soul? As you look forward into the year ahead, planning where you’ll focus your energy and what you’d like to accomplish, put a high priority on the condition of your heart. God wants you to become the best...
January 12, 2020
Other Messages
Are you stuck in God’s waiting room right now? Maybe you’re looking for a job with no success; you’re praying for physical healing that hasn’t happened; you’re hoping for God to fix your marriage while the distance between you and your spouse...
March 8, 2020
Other Messages
There’s an adage that floats around, “God won’t give you more than you can handle.” From stories throughout the bible, and specifically from the story in 2 Corinthians 1:1-11, we know that this simply isn’t true. Here the Apostle Paul recounts the...
May 10, 2020
Other Messages
The book of Jonah is not just a book about Jonah and a big fish; it is a book about the character of God, and perhaps has practical applications for us in times of trial. When we face difficulty, disappointment, or anger, may we leverage this in...
May 24, 2020
Other Messages
In James 1:19, the apostle Paul calls us to be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry. May God give us what we need to apply this lesson today and every day—when we don’t know what to say, when conflict comes our way, and when we...
May 31, 2020
Other Messages
In this message we study Psalm 25 and James 1 to explore how to seek God’s wisdom. Psalm 25 is a prayer for God’s guidance, particularly in times of crisis and when things are going wrong. James 1 makes clear that God is committed to giving wisdom...
June 28, 2020
Other Messages
The death of George Floyd sparked an unprecedented nationwide uprising to the racial tensions and racial injustice in our country. This has caused all of us to stop and reflect on how racism and injustice has and continues to impact each and every...
June 30, 2020
Other Messages
Gardens don’t grow by accident. When you are in a season of spiritual “meh…”, the analogy from Hosea 10:12-13 may be a helpful guide to help you get unstuck. Like unplowed soil, the hard patches of your soul may need to be tilled and broken up so...
August 18, 2020
Other Messages
Throughout church history, God has continually surprised his people by doing some of his best work in some of the most difficult circumstances. We can see one example in the early disciples in the church of Antioch in Acts 11. These early...
September 6, 2020
Other Messages
In a life full of fear—chaos, natural disasters, war, pandemics—where can you turn? In Psalm 46, and throughout the Bible, God’s command is to not be afraid and to trust in Him. You may not be able to control the chaos around you, but even in the ...
November 22, 2020
Other Messages
Psalm 31 bridges two genres as both a psalm of lament and a psalm of trust. The psalm brings together the pleas & protests of our present circumstances with a rugged commitment to believe. Psalm 31 is the prayer of someone who’s suffering, but a...
December 20, 2020
Other Messages
Paul writes in Philippians, “he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” Whether you’ve been a follower of Jesus for 30 years or 30 days, God has been there with you, and promises to continue...
January 4, 2021
Other Messages
The story of the first Palm Sunday in Matthew 21, when Jesus rode into Jerusalem, teaches us lessons that transcend time and space to be as relevant today as they were then. Now, just as then, is a time to affirm the Lord of history and eternity...
September 5, 2021
Other Messages
The circumstances of the first Christmas were not too dissimilar from the circumstances many of us may face today… The world was chaotic. The Israelites faced political and social oppression. Life wasn’t always easy. Right in the middle of the...
December 19, 2021
Other Messages
Matthew 2:13-23 is the often untold "second chapter" of the Christmas story. It’s the part where Joseph, Mary, and Jesus flee to Egypt to avoid Jesus’s execution at the hand of a power-hungry King… The calm & bright of the Christmas story is...
January 2, 2022
Other Messages
As followers of Christ, God chooses to display his character through us. As a disciple of Jesus, you are the proof through which God reveals himself. This can be a daunting challenge during seasons of unexpected suffering when darkness in your...
January 9, 2022
Other Messages
We’re called in the bible to work hard and work diligently, doing everything we do for the glory of the Lord. And it’s true—everyday tasks of our busy lives can be a beautiful expression of worship, and a way to serve the Kingdom of God...
January 16, 2022
Other Messages
In many biblical narratives, we read about being led through a desert. Sometimes a literal desert, but always a figurative desert—a place where you find yourself when life isn’t going the way you planned. A place you feel alone, tired...
March 20, 2022
Other Messages
Each and every one of us is a masterpiece of God—lovingly created in his image meant to do good works. At the same time, because of the sin of our fallen world, we’re all marred and broken in some way—for you, perhaps it’s an anger issue, or an...
April 24, 2022
Other Messages
As we see in the relationship of Paul and Barnabas in the book of Acts, the early church was often a recipe for conflict—just like the church of today. Especially over the past few years, many cultural and political issues threaten to divide our...
July 10, 2022
Other Messages
People face big decisions—do I put my kid in daycare; can my body handle one more round of treatment; should I have that conversation with my teenager; which of these jobs should I take… And we desperately want clarity, peace, and affirmation from...
July 17, 2022
Other Messages
One of the most foundational questions for every person to ask in any situation or circumstance is, is there hope? In his prayer for us in Ephesians, Paul prays that the church may know the hope to which we are called. Hope, not hype. Hope that...
July 24, 2022
Other Messages
Today, with pet peeves and politics, we are so easily offended by what people say or don’t say, eat or don’t eat, what they are reading or what they are watching, it’s no longer seen as a weakness to be easily offended but it’s seen as right. It’s...
July 31, 2022
Other Messages
As we journey with Jesus, God’s faithful love digs into the source of what’s hurting us and hurting our relationship with him but hope always gets the last word. The Bible, and the prophet Jeremiah might criticize but also will energize, digging...
August 7, 2022
Other Messages
Does it sometimes feel like God isn’t speaking to you, or he’s not showing you his will? Why is he quiet? Why does it seem like he withholds perspective from us, even when we ask? Well, perhaps it’s us with the hearing or vision problem. Maybe...
February 3, 2023
Other Message
Isaiah 40 contains some of the most beautiful poetry in the Old Testament—where the weak become strong, where the tired soar on wings like eagles, where runners finish the race strong, and where the fragile keep walking forward with confidence...
February 5, 2023
Other Messages
At first glance, there are some strange stories in the Bible! Leviticus is one such book that sounds strange and foreign when you first read it. Without understanding its full meaning, reading Leviticus could perpetuate the false narrative that the..
February 12, 2023
Other Messages
Have you ever been working on an important project when all of a sudden your computer freezes up? What about that frustrating thing your phone does where you try to open an app, but it immediately closes and refuses to be used? How about sitting...
June 16, 2023
Other Messages
May you trust that when you seek God with all your heart, when you meditate on His law, may you come to know the heart of God and live in the truth that life is better and sweeter under His law.
July 31, 2023
Other Messages
Spiders. Heights. Peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth. What do all of these have in common? Enough people are afraid of each of these that there is a clinical phobia for each.
You may have no problem smashing a spider while standing...
August 6, 2023
Other Messages
What do you do when you find a $5 bill on the floor of a restaurant? Do you immediately pocket it or ask those at the surrounding tables if they dropped it?
How do you approach the household chores you're responsible for? Do you do the bare...
August 14, 2023
Other Messages
BMW claims it's "The ultimate driving machine."
And Virginia? "Virginia is for lovers"
You can't watch or see one ad promoting these brands without them including these memorable taglines. These taglines grab your attention and stick in your...
October 22, 2023
Other Messages
The early stages of buying a house are exciting. The first time you step through the doorway of "the one," joyful thoughts of movie nights in the den, friends gathered around the dining room table, and intimate conversations in the bedroom swim...
October 29, 2023
Other Messages
Sam Cooke, Taylor Swift and David Bowie. What do these three have in common besides being iconic musicians?
They all understand that change is a part of life.
Sometimes change happens gradually. Sometimes change happens in an instant...
November 5, 2023
Other Messages
If you're an aspiring athlete, could you imagine LeBron James inviting you over for a game of pickup basketball?
If you're a movie lover, what would it be like to have a standing invitation to Friday night dinners with Octavia Spencer and Millie...
January 31, 2024
Other Messages
You know those sleepless nights and anxious days you sometimes have? How often are they born out of your fear of failing to come through on an upcoming project or commitments? How many times have you made it to the day that caused your week's-long...
March 12, 2024
Other Messages
Reading a novel or watching a TV series is a huge time and emotional commitment. As we experience the ups and downs of the characters, we become more invested in them and more intertwined with them until their story becomes more and more our story...
April 2, 2024
Other Messages
If someone only read the last chapter of a book and said, "I don't get it," how would you respond? Or if someone watched just the last five minutes of a movie and then told you, "The ending doesn't make sene," what would you say?
You'd probably...
April 10, 2024
Other Messages
Have you ever watched a documentary about a pivotal event in history and asked, "I wonder what it feels like to be a part of history, to live the story others will one day tell?"
For Capital Church, this is one of those moments in history...
April 29, 2024
Other Messages
If a seed could talk, fear might cause it to scream as it's thrown into a field. You can hear it objecting to being buried in the dirt. You can imagine it crying out for help as the rain pounds down upon it. And if all that isn't enough, the pain...
October 29, 2024
Other Messages
We all have dreams. Dreams for our relationships, dreams for our career, dreams for so many parts of our lives.
But something happens when we misunderstand the nature and responsibility of dreams. Misunderstood and misused, our dreams become...
January 5, 2025
Other Messages
What are we told during every preflight safety brief? Should there be a change in cabin pressure, masks will fall from the compartment above you. But we’re given one crucial instruction that, if we fail to do it will keep us from doing anything...
February 3, 2025
Past Message Series

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You can find older messages published before November 2016 on our old iTunes podcast feed.