Once Upon A Time
The parables of Jesus are short stories that pack a punch. They’re intended to evoke an emotional reaction from the hearer, and be a catalyst for true and lasting change. Find out what the parables of Jesus can teach you, and how they can transform everything about life, love, leadership, and everything in between on your journey of discipleship.
Once Upon A Time
Why does prayer sometimes seem so difficult? Why can’t you simply pray a prayer, and pow, get the answer you seek? Without a definitive answer to prayers, you might conclude that God isn’t listening, God doesn’t care, or that prayer doesn’t work...
March 27, 2022
Once Upon A Time
Many people, even people who aren’t followers of Jesus, know the basic plot points of the parable of the good Samaritan, and its application to live a life of compassion. But Jesus’ parable asks more from us than most people think. Jesus’ command...
April 3, 2022
Once Upon A Time
The familiar parable of the prodigal son paints an image of a wayward individual, who’s taken love for granted and squandered his blessings. The parable can teach us a lot about ourselves, as we often relate to the son. But the parable probably...
April 17, 2022
Once Upon A Time
We can learn just as many lessons about God when we consider the older brother in the parable of the prodigal son. Even as this son was doing all the “right” things when the other son strayed away, his priority wasn’t to be with the father. His...
May 2, 2022
Once Upon A Time
Two back-to-back parables in the Gospel of Luke show us that God doesn’t always do what we expect, but he does unpredictably more. God didn’t intend to overthrow the Romans, though that’s what was expected from their Messiah. God’s plan was bigger...
May 7, 2022
Once Upon A Time
The parables of Jesus are short stories that pack a punch. They’re intended to evoke an emotional reaction from the hearer and be a catalyst for true and lasting change. Find out what the parables of Jesus can teach you, and how they can...
May 15, 2022
Once Upon A Time
Does money tell you what to do? Does it dictate how you’re going to live your life? Do you put your confidence in it? Do you feel peace only if there’s enough cash in the bank or if your investments are doing well? Whether you have a little or a...
May 22, 2022
Once Upon A Time
You don't have to look hard to see the brokenness of the world. Injustice, war, hunger, divorce, violence... these are but a few of many painful and heavy burdens. When you see the brokenness of the world, you might question the goodness of God...
May 29, 2022
Once Upon A Time
Jesus’s teaching in the parable of the unforgiving servant calls us to a counter-cultural path that isn’t fair and isn’t easy. Choosing to forgive someone is probably one of the hardest things Jesus calls us to. It requires a deep and often...
June 5, 2022
Once Upon A Time
In Luke 12, Jesus teaches his followers to be “dressed and ready”, fully prepared to carry his light into the dark world. The parable serves as an eternal reminder to be expectant of Jesus’ coming; but it also provides an immediate call for...
June 12, 2022
Once Upon A Time...
Do you feel forgiven? No, feeling forgiven doesn’t necessarily make you forgiven; but it sure changes the way you respond to Jesus, and it changes the way you interact with others. God’s grace always finds us right where we are, not where we...
June 19, 2022
Once Upon A Time...
Has Jesus lived up to your expectations? Maybe you thought life would be different—you thought marriage would be easier; you thought you’d find more fulfillment in your career; you thought your family would react differently to your faith. If life...
June 26, 2022
Once Upon A Time...
“You get what you get, and you don’t throw a fit.” The intent with this phrase is to help us be content and to avoid comparison, but it may leave you with a scarcity mindset. The idea that you’ve been dealt what you have, and you should just suck...
July 3, 2022
Past Message Series
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You can find older messages published before November 2016 on our old iTunes podcast feed.